So, my three year old laptop is circling the drain and I’m thinking about upgrading. I’m crowdsourcing random opinions.
I thought the debate was laptop versus desktop. From what I understand, most pro photographers would be horrified to find out I do all my photo editing on a laptop. Desktops are cheaper and better for photo editing, but are not really portable.
But my existing laptop isn’t even portable any more – the battery has been dead for more than a year, so can’t even unplug it long enough to move it across the room. I can still pack it up and take it on vacation, as long as I can find a power source.
Now, though, Macs are in the mix. We have access to software that I thought we could only get the PC version, but we can apparently get Mac. But my Lightroom and everything else are PC, too, and I’ve never so much as used a Mac. Of course, they’re the king daddy of photo-friendly computers, but are also very expensive.
Ugh, I am conflicted and confused. What do you think? This will be mostly my computer, but probably the family computer at one point in its lifetime. I need an excellent monitor, a big hard drive and a whack of RAM. I don’t take it on the road often, but hate the idea of traveling without Lightroom.
I am clueless. I’m only >this< far above choosing a shiny one in blue because it matches my shoes. Any recommendations or things to watch for? I don’t even know what criteria to use to evaluate a potential computer. Help!
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